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Delosperma - Ice Plant

Delosperma is a low creeping plant for in a sunny spot in the rockery. Most species are reasonably hardy but die in winter because of too much water. Good drainage is essential for survival through the winter. It is good to plant Delosperma on a slope and mix plenty of gravel into the soil. Delosperma is also good in a pot which can be brought inside over winter and kept dry. In spring, gradually increase watering and add some liquid fertilizer. The daisy like flowers of Delosperma come in a bright mix of colours and open only in clear sunny weather.


Delosperma cooperi

€ 5,05

€ 5,05

€ 4,70
Delosperma 'Ice Cream Fire'
Delosperma 'Ice Cream Orange'
Delosperma 'Ice Cream Salmon'